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Home Improvement Industry

Our Multi-channel lead generation strategy and its success is on display for DM Design, a great client we have been working along side for years. Our brief was to attract the right customers and to do this in a way that reduces the overall cost per lead. A difficult brief for a highly competitive industry, but a brief we excelled in non the less.

Our strategy was to compete with the top of the competition from the very beginning and to put measures in place that would start to grow more organic traffic through to the client’s website. Our Multi-channel approach enabled us to introduce a number of successful campaigns simultaneously to great effect.

The increase

Our Paid advertising campaigns across Facebook increased leads massively as well as building great brand awareness. Jump Ahead Digital has managed to increase the number of leads at an incredibly lower cost. We have seen the cost per lead decrease to less than 60% since we introduced our strategy and the conversion rate has increased dramatically due to the capture of more targeted customers.

Jump Ahead Digital are specialists in the generation of organic traffic increase. DM Design has seen the full effect of our specialist team as the increase in organic traffic is x4 greater. Organic traffic is vital to the longevity of a business’s digital presence. Our team at Jump Ahead Digital continually research and evolve the latest techniques to devise strategies to increase effective organic traffic that continues.

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A massive success for both Jump Ahead Digital and DM Design was our implementation and introduction of Native Advertising. We launched carefully researched and designed Native Ad campaigns that not only increased brand awareness and trust but increased a mass amount of desired leads. The leads attracted through our Native Ads are strategically targeted, and as a result, the conversion rate through to confirmed sales has been incredible. This method of lead generation has been instrumental to DM Design’s success over recent years.

Since beginning working alongside DM Design, we have developed a fantastic working relationship, something we pride ourselves at creating at Jump Ahead Digital. We build relationships as well as guaranteed results. This is evidently on show with the work we have achieved and continue to produce for Scotland’s longest running Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom company, DM Design.


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